“I realized that being quarantined presented a unique opportunity to reach out to cellists around the world.”
During the COVID-19 pandemic, my goal is to be available to my students no matter how far we are from each other. After finishing the semester with remote teaching, I am holding optional weekly scales classes on Zoom throughout the summer where my students can join me for my “First Hour” technique session if they choose to. It’s a great way to keep us accountable in our playing plus it builds a sense of community while we are quarantined.
1-1 Lesson in Zoom
Once I became used to the Zoom setup, I realized that being quarantined presented a unique opportunity: to reach out to cellists around the world and offer the Amit Peled Online Cello Academy. Open to cellists of all ages and levels, the first session was held in May for twenty-two participants. I quickly realized that young musicians and adult amateurs were starving for this kind of opportunity and to be able to take a series of intensive lessons with me when otherwise I would be too busy with touring and teaching my own students. It has been not only enlightening but I would also say heartwarming to connect with cellists who are looking to grow as musicians. If I can offer even the slightest encouragement and pass on my knowledge to cellists beyond the Peabody classroom during this difficult time, then I am very happy to do so. The second Academy will take place in early August.
Be patient and experiment.
A group session in Zoom
View Amit Peled’s faculty page and bio.