We (parent and student) hereby confirm acceptance of scholarship funding for our student for the 2024-25 school year and agree to abide by all policies and procedures of the school as outlined on the Preparatory’s website and in the Student Handbook.
The student agrees to consistently come to classes, lessons and rehearsals prepared – with no more than three absences or tardy arrivals per year – and maintain a high level of work in all of his/her studies. Furthermore, the student agrees to do all within his/her means to assist in promoting the good name of the school both in performance and the community.
The amount of your award was based in part on the information you provided in the application and supporting documentation. If any of the information you provided in the application was incorrect or your circumstances change for any reason, we reserve the right to decrease or revoke your award.
If you accept this award, you will receive an email within 2 to 4 business days with information regarding the posting of the award on your student account and the registration process.