Application and Pre-Screening

Applicants to the MM in Musicology should submit:

  • Transcripts
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • An academic writing sample of approximately 1500 words, typed with footnotes and supporting scholarly research. A previously written document is acceptable.
  • Please provide a statement of purpose answering the following questions:
  1. Why does musicology/ethnomusicology interest you, and what are your objectives for pursuing an MM in musicology/ethnomusicology?
  2. Why are you interested in the program at Peabody? You can review a description of the program here, and a sample curricular plan here.
  3. List and briefly describe the musicology/ethnomusicology courses you have taken (or are taking), as well as any major projects or papers undertaken as part of those courses. Optional: if applicable, briefly describe other significant musicological/ethnomusicological work you may have undertaken not associated with coursework.
  4. What would you like to work on for your thesis? Optional: please briefly state your other areas of interest in addition to the thesis topic.

The writing sample and statement of purpose will be used as pre-screening for the interview round. Applicants who pass the pre-screening process will be invited to interview with the department faculty during audition week.

Interview and Exams

During the interview, faculty will be interested to learn more about your past work and your interest in pursuing graduate work in musicology at Peabody.

  • Faculty will have read your writing sample and will also have some specific questions for you about this work.
  • In addition to the written exams required of all master’s applicants, students who pass the pre-screening process in musicology will also complete a written exam in music history.

Please contact Remi Chiu, Professor and Chair of Musicology with any questions about the application and admission process.