Building upon the foundation of Playing Well 1: Anatomy and Movement for Instrumental Musicians and Playing Well 2: Medical Conditions and Treatments,Playing Well 3: Prevention and Retraining explores primary and secondary prevention strategies within a framework of prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery.  Topics include the importance of exercise, sleep and nutrition; how to plan playing-specific mind and body training and functional conditioning; warm-up, cool-down, unloading, recovery, and regeneration activities as key components of performance training; exposure control to repetition and force through efficient motor learning strategies; and integration of retraining programs in rehabilitation to prevent reinjury. Each topic explores translation of evidence-based prevention practices from sports medicine and athletic training fields to musicians’ work. Students receive information from the expert perspectives of physicians, therapists, and musicians and complete a practical project designed to apply prevention knowledge to their work in practice and performance.

Course developers include Dr. Serap Bastepe Gray, a member of the Peabody Conservatory Guitar and Music and Medicine faculty, and a licensed occupational therapist with a certification in Performing Arts Medicine from the American College of Sports Medicine and Performing Arts Medicine Association; and Dr. Scott Brown, past president of the Performing Arts Medicine Association, board certified in physical medicine and rehabilitation, and adjunct faculty at the Peabody Conservatory.

Questions?: If you have questions about Playing Well 3: Prevention and Retraining, please contact us at [email protected].

Disability Accommodations: In order to ensure a smooth transition to secure reasonable disability accommodations, students are encouraged to register with Disability Resources no later than thirty days prior to the start of class.  More information regarding the registration process can be found on the Disability Resources webpage.