Performance Academy Chamber Music
Students are assigned to one or a combination of the following classes (Saturdays, 8:30am-10:30am): Peabody Violin Choir, Peabody Cello Choir, Performance Academy Chamber Music.
The Performance Academy for Strings brings together serious string students in grades 7-12, playing at the upper intermediate and advanced level, who will develop musically and socially in a mutually supportive and challenging environment. The Performance Academy is a vibrant program which offers individual instruction, small and large ensembles, performance opportunities, master classes, enrichment activities, rehearsal time with a designated pianist, special events, and career guidance and feedback.
The Performance Academy fosters the development of young string players by offering them a curriculum that prepares them for professional studies. This program is for students who want to pursue a career in music, and for students with other professional aspirations, playing and working seriously, and for whom music is their major non-academic endeavor.
Performance Academy Auditions for 2024-25 will take place on Saturday, August 24, 2024. Audition information can be found by following the link below.
Performance Academy for Strings Audition Information 2024-25
The Performance Academy schedule includes: classes focusing on small ensembles, musicianship, and performance; orchestra experience; piano accompanist for master classes, events, recitals, and competitions; and weekly private lessons with Peabody faculty (not included in Performance Academy tuition).
Performance Academy students are expected to practice two to four hours per day, prepare their ensemble music independently, and participate in all special events, including travel. Since PA classes and ensembles take place on Saturdays, students should expect to have their individual instruction on a weekday.
Students are assigned to one or a combination of the following classes (Saturdays, 8:30am-10:30am): Peabody Violin Choir, Peabody Cello Choir, Performance Academy Chamber Music.
The signature component of the program is this weekly class, led by Christian Tremblay, PA director. This class meets during the fall/spring academic year on Saturdays from 10:30am-12:00pm. It provides an opportunity for students to perform for both Peabody faculty and guest artists. Students will also receive training in master classes with guest artists on a variety of enrichment topics including movement, injury prevention, theory/history, improvisation, and more. In the past, guests artists have included artists such as Darrett Adkins, Milton Blair, Jonathan Carney, Sara Caswell, Miranda Cuckson, Eugene Friesen, Nicholas Kendall, Midori, Nadia Sirota, Brinton Smith, Igor Yuzefovich, Mimi Zweig, and Peabody Conservatory faculty Risa Browder, Victoria Chiang, Victor Danchenko, Pamela Frank, Herbert Greenberg, Judith Ingolfsson, Violaine Melançon, John Moran and Amit Peled.
Performance Academy students must also participate in one of the following ensembles (cost included in Academy tuition) Students must schedule a separate audition for PYO and YAO.
Peabody Youth Orchestra (PYO): Saturday, 1:00pm-3:00pm
Young Artists Orchestra (YAO): Saturday, 1:00pm-2:45pm
Once a year, The Performance Academy collaborates with the Preparatory Pre-Conservatory Violin Program (PCVP) to form the Performance Academy Festival Orchestra. This string orchestra will meet for three weeks in lieu of Academy Chamber Music class, Violin and Cello Choirs, and Academy Performance class, to prepare a unique concert, under the direction of a guest conductor. Past guest conductors have included, Jonathan Carney, Nicholas Hersh, José-Luis Novo, Amit Peled, Edward Polochick, and Markand Thakar.
Each student will be provided with an accompanist for Academy master classes and events. Each student receives 6 hours of private rehearsal time per year, and the pianist is available to perform with the student in most recitals, concerts, and area competitions.
Students study privately for either 60 minutes or 90 minutes weekly with Peabody faculty (cost is not included in Academy tuition per semester). For current lesson prices, please see the catalog.
Diplôme d’Études Supérieures II, Conservatoire de Musique du Québec; GPD Peabody Conservatory; DMA Peabody Conservatory.