Late Admission auditions will take place during Peabody’s jury week May 13th-16th, 2025. Exact audition dates will be posted here as they are scheduled.

Live Late Admission Audition Schedule

Major Date(s)
Acoustics TBD
Cello TBD
Composition TBD
Computer Music TBD
Dance TBD
Double Bass TBD
Flute TBD
Guitar TBD
Historical Performance TBD
Horn TBD
Jazz TBD
Music for New Media TBD
Percussion TBD
Piano TBD
Recording Arts & Sciences TBD
Saxophone TBD
Trumpet TBD
Viola TBD
Violin TBD
Voice TBD

Notifications of admission and financial awards will be sent no later than June 1st. More information can be found here.

Checking in

When you first arrive on campus, come directly to 17 E. Mt. Vernon Place. Walk straight ahead and down the stairs into the Arcade for check-in. From the Parking lot, go to the far corner of the second floor and follow signs saying “Main Entrance,“ “Concert Hall,” “Check-In” or “Arcade.” It’s all the same place. The check-in process is important, even for current Peabody students. If you do not check in, we may mistake you for a “no-show” and re-assign your audition time to someone else.

Please note that we are only available to assist during business hours (M-F 9am-4:30pm). If your audition is scheduled outside of these hours, please let us know in advance if you may require assistance on campus.

The Audition

Audition requirements can be found here. Be on site 45 minutes (and no more than 2 hours) early to warm up. Practice rooms will be available and volunteers will be on site to guide you.

We have asked you to prepare much more music than can be performed in the time allotted for your audition, so expect the faculty to ask for excerpts from your audition repertoire.

Canceling Your Audition

“No-shows” create havoc with the audition schedule. If you must cancel your audition/interview, please notify us ASAP. Cancelling your audition typically results in the withdrawal of your application, but we will let you know if there are other options available to you.

Rescheduling Your Audition

Please contact our office ASAP if you have a scheduling conflict. We may not be able to accommodate, but we will do our best to ensure your audition is heard.

Nuts and Bolts

Visit this page for more information about directions, parking, and hotels.