Eric Rasmussen
Eric Rasmussen, PhD in Music Ed.; Chair, Early Childhood Music Department; Music specialist at two Hopkins affiliated early childhood learning centers.
The first years of life are critical to a child’s music development. Our curriculum is specifically designed to guide your child toward a lifelong enjoyment and understanding of music. Through all levels of our program children absorb, imitate, and model developmentally appropriate musical behaviors from a highly skilled and caring faculty. Over time, children learn to sing in tune and move rhythmically – the two basic vocabularies of music. Through listening, singing, moving, dancing, and playing, children and parents learn the joys of making music together.
Tapes and songbooks from Sally’s Music CircleTM will be provided for class enrollees in our Music for Toddlers class up through Music for Young Singers and Movers. Sally Weaver, Ph.D. in music education and founder/director of a comprehensive early childhood music program for thousands of children in the Philadelphia area, has produced a series of recordings with music in a rich variety of musical contexts, styles, and world cultures. The songs on these recordings were specifically chosen for young children and the exceptional musical quality will delight both children and parents.
When registering, please adhere to the age requirements set for each class. With the exception of infants, your child must meet the minimum age for the class by the first day of that class beginning in September. All Early Childhood classes have a minimum enrollment of five students and a maximum enrollment of ten students.
Eric Rasmussen, PhD in Music Ed.; Chair, Early Childhood Music Department; Music specialist at two Hopkins affiliated early childhood learning centers.
Yo-Jung Han, PhD in Music Ed.; Faculty, Early Childhood Music Department
Emma Mountcastle, BA and MM; Faculty, Early Childhood Music and Voice Department