The Student Case Manager provides one-on-one support, including interventions, advocacy, referrals, and follow-up services for students who are experiencing significant difficulties related to mental health, physical health, family emergencies, and/or other areas of concern.

The Student Case Manager is committed to assisting undergraduate and graduate students in successfully navigating the Peabody Institute and Johns Hopkins University-Homewood campuses. The Case Manager helps students manage physical and mental health concerns, personal and family emergencies, financial issues, and other obstacles that may arise during their college experience.

The Student Case Manager provides resources and information to help students navigate University systems and policies while prioritizing their well-being and academic success. Additionally, the Student Case Manager will assist students in making connections with faculty, staff, and other offices that can collaborate with them to ensure their needs are met. Lastly, the goal is to help students to develop self-advocacy skills that prepare them for involvement in the larger community and life beyond college.

Case Management is not counseling or therapy; rather, Case Managers have the opportunity to develop close helping relationships with students while coaching students toward appropriate self-care and self-advocacy.

To schedule an appointment, please use the scheduling link or email [email protected]