Ui-Seng François, (she/her)

(BFA ‘23, dance)

Storyteller, Dancer, Actress, Writer, Creative Director, Photographer, Videographer, Educator

Headshot of Ui-Seng FrancoisUi-Seng François is a multidisciplinary Artist and Storyteller from Baltimore City, MD who creates Art as a means for healing and our collective well-being. She has performed professionally on Broadway as well as at Chautauqua Institution, Everyman Theatre, Baltimore Centerstage, The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, and Motor House, in addition to producing her own projects. Ui-Seng is a proud graduate of the Baltimore School for the Arts (Acting, 2018) and the Peabody Conservatory of The Johns Hopkins University (BFA, Dance, 2023).

Tell us about your journey to your current career path. What were the pivotal moments? What surprised you?

I am a multidisciplinary Storyteller. Throughout my journey, I’m grateful to have been able to study one discipline at a time. Spending 7 years of dance training, 4 years in a theater program, and another 4 years focusing on dance in a BFA program. This enabled me to hone in on each art form and build a solid skillset. A pivotal moment was in my first musical because it showed me how it is possible to combine my love for dance, acting, and music in a cohesive way.

How do you share your work with colleagues, collaborators, and audiences using media and work samples?

I have designed a website that I use as an online portfolio with work samples. I love that I can organize the information in a way that showcases the various art forms that I do.

How has your network and/or community impacted your professional journey?

Many of the freelance opportunities that I receive are based on people who have experienced my work either in person or on social media. I realize that the more I share my work on social media, the more people reach out to me with freelance opportunities. I also receive professional opportunities from recommendations by people in my network who I have worked with in the past. I find that being specific and outgoing about my values and vision as an artist also leads to work within a community that aligns with those values, thus expanding my network in a meaningful way.

Who has been an influential mentor for you and why?

Brinae Ali has been an influential mentor for me. We share many of the same Artistic disciplines and intentions. I have been able to learn from her journey and how she has navigated her career as an independent Artist and advocate. She has advised me on my own creative projects. We find meaningful ways of exchange. For example, I offer my videography services in exchange for private lessons. Furthermore, she has recommended me for gig opportunities thus introducing me to her network while sharing professional work experiences.

What is an obstacle or challenge you’ve faced in your career journey, and how did you overcome it?

A challenge I have faced in my career journey has been implementing a structure to hold myself accountable while being outside of school and/or an institution. My tools for overcoming this include re-centering on my goals, prioritizing tasks, time blocking, seeking external inspiration to motivate me, and journaling to check in internally. Once I recenter on my goals and fortify my will power, it’s much easier to hold myself accountable and be proactive.

Hear more from Ui-Seng François here in her Creative Wire Blog post!


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