Peabody accepts personal checks (made payable to: The Peabody Institute) and payment by credit card (MasterCard, VISA, or American Express).
Yes. Peabody is happy to accept gifts paid in convenient installments throughout the year. When completing your pledge form, note the amount of your pledge and how often you would like to make payments. The Gift Office will send pledge payment reminders according to the payment schedule you have specified.
Yes. Gifts can be made in honor or memory of a loved one. Many alumni and friends have chosen to recognize cherished classmates, colleagues and teachers this way, as well. Please include the name of the honored or memorialized individual(s) with your gift.
Yes! If your or your spouse’s employer has a matching gift program, your gift to Peabody may be doubled or even tripled. Contact your human resources or personnel department for a matching gift form and enclose it with your pledge form.
Planned gifts include naming the school in your will or as a beneficiary of a life insurance or retirement policy. You may also establish an annuity or trust. Please contact the development office by email or call 667-208-6551, for more details.