Educational Philosophy

Excellence in professional training is at the center of a Peabody education. Your studio experience will form the core of your Peabody education, and the supportive academic program which has long been a hallmark of Peabody’s curriculum will equip you with a strong, holistic foundation in music and the humanities.

Today’s artists acknowledge, however, the changing cultural environment of the future demands even more. To align our training with the reality of industry shifts, the Peabody Institute Breakthrough Curriculum infuses our grand historical tradition with new perspectives to create a model at the forefront of arts training in the United States.

The Breakthrough Curriculum is fully integrated into the historical excellence of Peabody performance training, ensuring that every student graduates prepared for a world that is constantly changing, increasingly driven by disruptive technology, yet still deeply in need of what music brings to the human experience.

A Peabody Education

The Peabody Conservatory awards five degrees:

  • The Bachelor of Music (Performance, Jazz Performance, Composition, Computer Music, Recording Arts & Sciences, Music Education, Music for New Media: Film and Game Scoring)
  • The Bachelor of Fine Arts (Dance)
  • The Master of Music (Acoustics, Composition, Computer Music, Conducting (Orchestral, Wind, or Choral), Performance, Jazz Performance, Music Education, Musicology, Music Theory Pedagogy, Music for New Media: Film and Game Scoring)
  • The Master of Arts (Recording Arts & Sciences)
  • The Doctor of Musical Arts (Composition, Conducting, Performance)

The Peabody Conservatory also awards three diplomas: