On-Campus Housing Requirement

There is a four semester residency requirement for all new undergraduate students attending the Peabody Conservatory. This policy requires that first and second-year undergraduate students reside in conservatory housing or at home with a parent or legal guardian. Requests for exemption from the residency requirement can be submitted using our Application for Exemption from the Undergraduate Residency Requirement form. Please note that this form is due no later than June 15.  Students should not sign a lease for off-campus housing unless their exemption request has been approved.

On-campus housing is provided to registered, full-time, first and second-year undergraduate students at the Peabody Conservatory. If a student withdraws, takes a leave of absence, fails to register full-time for the semester, or is academically dismissed, the individual will be required to vacate university housing immediately.

Juniors and seniors are expected to live off-campus. Juniors and seniors who choose to commute from home report this when filing the FAFSA. The room and meal portion of a student’s budget is set automatically by our financial aid system based on the logic above. At registration census (typically 2 weeks after the start of classes), an exception report will identify students receiving financial aid whose on/off campus housing status does not align with what was charged on the student’s bill. Corrections to budgets and/or awards will be made by the financial aid office.