To set up your JHU email account, you must set up your JHED account. Your JHED account is the Login ID and password you will use for all online services at Johns Hopkins University. To set up both JHED and your JHU email, please go to the Johns Hopkins Portal Web site ( or )

  • Click on the “First Time JHED User” in the upper left corner
  • Follow the instructions to locate your Login ID.
  • Note the Login ID that has been given to you.
  • Enter your Login ID in the LoginID (LID) box.
  • Follow the prompts
  • Once you are finished, you will have established your JHED account and JHU email account.
  • Your email can be accessed directly through the Johns Hopkins Portal site ( ).
  • Your Login ID/Password is used for all of Johns Hopkins network resources including SIS.