A well-rounded collegiate experience would not be complete without a healthy dose of co-curricular engagement. The area of Student Engagement provides opportunities for students to build communities and engage meaningfully with staff and peers in a wide variety of ways.

Students have opportunities to strengthen their leadership abilities through engagement within the Student Engagement area of Peabody Student Affairs. Whether through participating in a program sponsored by one of the student organizations on campus, attending a leadership workshop, joining a student organization, or representing their fellow students in Peabody General Assembly, professional and student staff members in Student Engagement work with students to create community at Peabody. Engagement events and activities are open to all Peabody students.

For more information about getting involved on campus, current students can visit the Peabody Institute hub on Hopkins Groups. After logging in using your JHED, switch your campus hub using the Hopkins Groups logo in the top left corner. Peabody students having issues accessing their account should email Assistant Director of Student Involvement & Engagement, Elizabeth Ajagbe. To communicate directly with the Student Engagement team, please contact the Office of Student Affairs at [email protected] or drop by the office for a visit!