The Peabody Institute will be closed for in-person activities, events, and on-site classes beginning at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, February 11.
Learn MoreFor more than five decades, Glenna Batson has drawn from multiple disciplines as catalysts for teaching, research, mentoring, advocacy, and artistic and personal growth. Batson brings a trans-disciplinary perspective to embodied learning through a synthesis of dance, Somatics, embodied cognitive neuroscience and neuro-rehabilitation medicine. Batson is professor emeritus of physical therapy (Winston-Salem State University, USA). Her pioneering work on improvisational dance and Parkinson’s was published in Frontiers in Neurology and was shortlisted for the Frontiers journals special research award. Throughout her career, Batson has travelled widely, teaching internationally in 13 countries. She has presented and published extensively on the integration of dance, Somatics and neuro- and human movement science. Author of Body and Mind in Motion: Dance and Neuroscience in Conversation, and co-editor/contributor to Dance, Somatics and Spiritualities: Contemporary Sacred Narratives. Batson’s current book-in-progress, Embodied Processes in Art Making: The F/ol\d (Intellect Press, UK), reflects a decade of collaboration in practice-based research with dance- and multi-media artist Susan Sentler. Currently, as faculty for the Duke University Dance Master’s program, Batson teaches Somatics: Embodiment for the 21st Century, and also regularly works in Ireland in grant-funded dance projects and residencies and for the Alexander Technique Centre, Galway. Batson believes in the power of dance and movement as exemplifying the unity of ethics and aesthetics in solving contemporary issues facing society today. At 73 years of lived experience, she trusts that her last bloom will be the brightest.