"Mom! It's Ballet!"
Johns Hopkins Magazine spends some time with students in the Boys' Dance program.
The Estelle Dennis/Peabody Dance Training Program for Boys provides tuition-free classes and other benefits to boys ages 9-15 who have the raw ability, physical facility and real desire to dance. The program offers ballet, contemporary, African and other dance forms.
In 2011 Gordon Lander was 13 years old and in the eighth grade. He had been dancing since he was 3 years old and decided to audition for the Dance Training Program. His innate talent and drive got him accepted to the Peabody Dance Training Program for Boys, and he has taken full advantage, learning quickly and enjoying every opportunity.
Johns Hopkins Magazine spends some time with students in the Boys' Dance program.
Johns Hopkins Gazette article about the Boys' Dance program.
The program offers ballet, contemporary, African and other dance forms.
Your gift will help provide tuition-free classes and other benefits to boys ages 9-15 with the desire to dance.