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Peabody Symphony Orchestra: Composition Reading Concert

Peabody Symphony Orchestra: Composition Reading Concert

Zachary Detrick: Le Tombeau de Maurice Sendak
Michael Balsamo: Tears of Strings
Carlos Meyers: Nexus I
Yoonjung Lee: Dancing on Knives

Ruth Blaustein Rosenberg Artistic Director of Ensembles Joseph Young leads the Peabody Symphony Orchestra through Zachary Detrick’s Le Tombeau de Mauris Sendak, and conducting graduate student Michael Djabarov leads the PSO through new works by Michael Balsamo, Yoonjung Lee, and Carlos Meyers.

Event Category:

Peabody Symphony Orchestra: Composition Reading Concert

Wed Feb 14
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
This event is free, Tickets are not required.
Miriam A. Friedberg Concert Hall