In June 2024, the Peabody Institute Executive Team and Senior Management Group held a two-day offsite facilitated planning session, which was followed by a similar session of the Peabody Institute Advisory Board, focusing on Peabody’s strategic objectives going forward.

In the weeks following these working sessions, the process to shape draft strategic goals—based on the planning sessions and building on Peabody’s Breakthrough Plan 2024—began.

Following this, input continued to be solicited on draft goals from faculty, staff, students, and volunteers across the Peabody community in a variety of forums, as well as university leadership, resulting in continued refinement of the goals.

Following this process and finalizing goals in November 2024, a series of action steps to meet each goal were developed with the plan formally to launch in January 2025.

Biannual benchmarking of progress against plan goals continues through the course of the plan.