The Ensemble Office manages the personnel, rehearsal, and performance activities of many of the Conservatory’s instrumental and vocal ensembles.  This office also administers the graduate orchestral conducting program, provides instrument rentals to students, and maintains the Ensemble Library. The Ensemble Library is a non-circulating collection. The staff also coordinates the fall placement audition process by which students are assigned to their required large ensembles.

Updated information can be found on the student website The Nest.  Be sure to use your Hopkins ID and password when logging in.

The Ensemble Office does NOT manage the Conservatory’s historical performance ensembles, which include the Peabody Renaissance Ensemble and the Baltimore Baroque Band, directed by John Moran and Risa Browder. The Ensemble Office also does not manage Jazz Combos, coached by Jazz Faculty members. Questions regarding those ensembles should be referred to their individual directors/coaches. Questions regarding the chamber music program should be directed to Annie Fullard.

The Ensemble Office does NOT handle requests from the public on hiring musicians or chamber groups for private functions. Please direct these requests to the LAUNCHPad.

Participation in instrumental or vocal ensembles is a major feature of degree and diploma study at Peabody, providing an experience that is essential to one’s professional training. Please consult the Course Catalog for the specific ensemble requirements of your degree program. Students wishing to take ensembles at times other than those specified should petition the Ensemble Program Manager, Melina Gajger, for permission to do so. Permission will generally only be granted in situations where irresolvable schedule conflicts prevent a student from taking a large ensemble during the specified semester.

Ensemble policies and requirements can be found in the syllabus.  Students are required to familiarize themselves with, and adhere to these policies.

The Ensemble Office is happy to provide support to all students. Students are welcome to visit the Ensemble Office to voice questions or concerns.

Melina Gajger – Ensemble Program Manager
Phone: 667-208-6629

Zachary Peaslee – Orchestral/Large Ensemble Coordinator
Phone: 667-208-6632

Gabriella Alberico – Jazz Coordinator
Phone: 667-208-6622

Micca Page – Vocal/Elective Ensemble Coordinator
Phone: 667-208-6630

Georgette Patricio – Ensemble Librarian
Phone: 667-208-6628

Arcade, Level M1, Room B06C
Ensemble Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM