Signature Recitals are an opportunity for all music students – regardless of age or ability – to gain valuable experience. The competition is adjudicated by Preparatory faculty who give written feedback and select students to perform on one of the Vella Silver Memorial Recitals that come at the end of each semester. To be selected for the honor of playing on a Silver Recital, students must present a polished performance at any level – elementary through advanced – so please encourage well-prepared students at all levels to participate.

For 2024-25: All Signature Recitals will be held in person at the Downtown Campus.

Signature Recital IV Entry Deadline: Friday, February 21, 2025 by 11:59pm
Recital: Saturday, March 1, 2025 at 4:30pm in Hilda and Douglas Goodwin Recital Hall
Signature Recital V Entry Deadline: Wednesday, March 12, 2025 by 11:59pm
Recital: Saturday, March 22, 2025 at 1:30pm in Cohen-Davison Family Theatre
Signature Recital VI Entry Deadline: Wednesday, March 19, 2025 by 11:59pm
Recital: Saturday, March 29, 2025 at 4:30pm in Hilda and Douglas Goodwin Recital Hall
Vella Silver Recital Recital: Saturday, April 12 at 7:30pm in Hilda and Douglas Goodwin Recital Hall

Entry Guidelines

Students interested in performing on a Signature Recital must be entered by their private teacher. Students may perform on one recital per year. Students wishing to perform on more than one recital per year will be put on a wait list until the entry deadline. If space permits, students who have previously performed will be allowed to perform again. If there is more than one student on the wait list, those who submitted the entry form earliest will be placed first.

A limit of three students are to be entered from the same faculty’s studio per recital. Any additional students from that studio will be put on a wait list.

Recitals will be programmed for no more than 75 minutes of music.

Performances are not to exceed 10 minutes – NO EXCEPTIONS.

Teachers may elect to have a student play for written feedback only, thus removing the added pressure of competing.

TEACHERS: Please plan ahead! Because the competition becomes full quickly, submit forms early to ensure there will be room for your student. Entry is on a first come first served basis. Please fill out the forms completely, giving information in the way it is requested so that performance materials can be prepared on time. Only completed forms received by the deadline can participate.

Policy for Silver Recitals

Students selected to perform on the Silver Recital will be limited to 10 minutes. This means if a student is selected by the judges of more than one Signature Recital, he/she must choose only 10 minutes of repertoire to perform.