The dress guidelines outlined here are strongly enforced to ensure that everyone in the ensemble is dressed professionally for performances. If in doubt as to what to wear, you should stay as conservative as possible; use common sense here.

  • Any color suit or matching jacket and pants.
  • Plain, floor to mid-calf length dress with long or 3/4 sleeves, any color.
  • If you wear slacks, they must be wide, loose, and flowing – nothing tight, and no jeans.
  • Pressed dress shirt, any color.
  • Socks should match the pants and dress shoes.  Black or neutral hose and dress shoes. No open-toed shoes or sandals.
  • Suspenders are permitted.
  • Regular or bow tie.
  • Black or neutral hose and dress shoes. No open-toed shoes or sandals.
  • No excessive jewelry. No sequins or sparkles. Hair accessories must be black, silver, or gold.
  • A basic rule is that we should not be able to see your toes, knees, or elbows.