Preparatory Student Handbook

Academic Policies

The Peabody Preparatory of the Johns Hopkins University reserves the right to withdraw any course listed due to insufficient enrollment. Unless registered students are notified prior to the beginning of the semester, every class listed in the catalog will meet one time before cancellation.

Students demonstrating substandard work, inadequate preparation, lack of motivation, incomplete homework, poor attendance, or lack of practice may be placed on academic probation. If a student on academic probation fails to show significant improvement, the student may be expelled. In this case, the family forfeits all monies paid to the Preparatory for that semester.

The Preparatory reserves the right to dismiss any student without being placed on probation due to lack of interest or progress, frequent absence (more than three), frequent tardiness, behavioral problems, delinquency in payment of fees, and/or failure to abide by school policies.

Class Attendance
Class attendance is mandatory. Regular attendance in classes and lessons is essential for student progress. Students should notify their teacher(s) of absence by contacting them directly at least 24 hours in advance. For last-minute emergencies, during office hours contact the appropriate Preparatory office to see if a message can be placed in the teacher’s mailbox. Instructors are not available to come to the phone, and staff will not interrupt a lesson or class to deliver a message. For more information concerning student responsibilities regarding absence, tardiness, lesson make-up, and faculty policies regarding make-ups, please refer to the Preparatory Student Handbook.

Placement and Instruction
Students are scheduled for placement interviews on a first-come, first-served basis. They are assigned to teachers according to schedule, campus, playing level and teacher availability. Continuing students who fail to register during the early enrollment period may forfeit the right to their pre-existing lesson time. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of and comply with all registration deadlines.

Hour-long classes are computed on a 55-minute hour to allow time for class movement. Classes begin on the hour or half-hour and are dismissed five minutes before the hour or half-hour. The Preparatory is responsible for students during scheduled class or lesson times only. The Preparatory is not responsible for escorting students to classes or lessons or supervising students before or after classes or lessons.

Lessons/classes provided as part of the Preparatory tuition cannot occur in the home of the faculty member or at any other off-campus location.

Faculty members may not be paid directly for instruction. A parent or a student is to notify the Academic Services Administrator in a timely manner when instructional or personal problems arise. Every effort will be made to respond to individual needs. Instructor changes are to be made in consultation with and approved by the Academic Services Administrator. Students/parents must contact the Academic Services Administrator when these changes seem warranted and should not seek out other faculty on their own.

Drop off / Pick up
Parents choosing to drop off and pick up their children rather than escorting them into the building should watch until the student is securely in the building.

Participation in an elective class/lesson sponsored by the Peabody Preparatory of the Johns Hopkins University at Peabody locations or Peabody-sponsored activities may require extensive and rigorous physical exertion and activity, and there are a wide variety of risks that could result in serious injury. Peabody requires students to be covered throughout the program by a policy of comprehensive health and accident insurance, which provides coverage for illnesses or injuries that may be sustained as a result of participation in a Preparatory class/lesson. Students assume all risks associated with participation in a Preparatory class/lesson and release the Peabody Institute and The Johns Hopkins University and their representatives, agents, faculty, and employees from any responsibility and liability for injuries, illness, medical bills, charges, or other expenses incurred through participation in the program, except if the danger or losses are caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the agents or employees of the Peabody Institute.

Student Policies

Students are required to have their own practice instrument and practice location off campus.

Students enrolling for individual lessons cannot be currently studying the same instrument at another institution or with another private teacher without the approval of the director.

Students enrolled at the Preparatory or referred to a faculty member by the Preparatory may not be accepted by that faculty member for purposes of instruction outside of the Preparatory. This agreement shall remain in effect for the period of one year from the time of withdrawal from the Preparatory for the student or faculty member.

Students enrolled at the Preparatory are only to be instructed for the classes and lesson lengths for which they are registered with the Preparatory.

Under no circumstances is a student to attend a class, lesson, or summer program until registration and payment have been submitted.

Students may not ask for or accept transportation from faculty members, unless in an authorized crisis situation.

Students are responsible for maintaining quiet speaking tones while on campus to prevent disturbing other classes/lessons. Running is not permitted on the campuses.

No food or drink is permitted in any studio or classroom. Drinks and food may not be placed on pianos. A $50 fine will be assessed to anyone found with food or drink on a Peabody Institute piano.

Student Accounts Policies

Responsible billing parties acknowledge that the obligation to pay all expenses incurred by the student is unconditional. No portion of such tuition, expenses, or charges, paid or outstanding, will be refunded or reversed regardless of absence, dismissal, or withdrawal of the student.

The Preparatory does not accept responsibility for lost or undeliverable mail. Notices, catalogs, registration information, etc., are available online.

Credit card (VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express), e-check, and check are acceptable forms of payment. If your check is returned due to non-sufficient funds or your credit card is declined, your account will become delinquent, a $35 returned check/declined credit card fee will be placed on your account, and you may be removed from courses for which you are currently registered. You will be prevented from registering for future classes or lessons until payment is reconciled.

The Preparatory does not process credit card payments in-person or over the phone rather we’ll guide the customer to process the online payment themselves via ASAP. If for any reason the customer is unable to submit their payment online they may send a check to: Peabody Preparatory Attn: Business Office 1 East Mt. Vernon Place Baltimore , MD 21202.

The JHU tuition remission benefit plan can be used as a form of payment. To determine eligibility go to the JHU Benefits website.

If the tuition remission does not cover the entire cost of tuition, the account holder or student is required to pay the remaining balance at the time of registration.

Drop a Course

To drop a class or lesson, the account holder or student is required to contact the Peabody Preparatory Registrars’ office. A financial penalty will not be assessed if the Add/Drop Form to [email protected]. is received prior to the first day that the semester begins (see Academic Calendar). Otherwise, refer to the refund schedule below.


Students wishing to withdraw from a lesson/class due to medical or other special circumstances must submit a written request for approval. If approved, the requested date of withdrawal will be the date in which we are notified in writing. All written requests should be emailed to the Preparatory Business Office ([email protected]) at least 24 hours prior to the missed lesson/class. Verbal notice or requests from students, parents, or faculty will not be accepted.

Late Registration

Students need to review course listings to verify registration dates. If a student registers after the start of the semester, we do not prorate tuition for late registration.


Peabody Preparatory charges a registration fee for each student to help support operating costs. Registration fees and other non-tuition fees are non-refundable. If a student is registered for another course or lesson in the same semester, the registration fee will only be charged once.

A class/lesson refund is determined by the date it is recorded in the registration system or when the school receives the Add/Drop Form. Refunds are issued in accordance with the published refund schedule below.

Students who enroll in private lessons must complete the add/drop form 3 days prior to the first lesson to receive a full refund. If dropping lessons less than 3 days prior to the first lesson, 1 lesson fee will be charged. Once the lessons begin there are no refunds. Tuition refunds will be issued if placement cannot be made or if a course is canceled by the school. Only under these circumstances are the tuition and the non-tuition fees refunded.

Preparatory Refund Policy

Eligible refunds for Preparatory registrations are made in accordance with the original method of payment (if processed less than 180 days prior to refund request). Please allow 2-4 business days for electronic refunds.

If a refund is required for a payment made via credit card over 180 days ago or if the credit card is no longer valid, we must issue a refund check instead of a credit card refund. For data security purposes, we’re unable to take a credit card number over the phone or in person to process a refund. Please allow 21-28 business days for refund checks.

For further information on refunds, you may contact the Preparatory Business Office at 667-208-6640.

All policies listed below apply to both in person and online classes.

Refund Schedule – Private Lessons (at any entry point)

  • 3 days prior to first lesson: deadline to submit add/drop form to withdraw with full refund*
  • Less than 3 days prior to first lesson: deadline to submit add/drop form to withdraw with 1 lesson fee charged*
  • After first lesson begins: No refund for withdrawals

Full Year Private Lesson enrollments -Opt-out option

  • To opt-out of the full year enrollment, complete the add/drop form during the period of January 13-17, 2025 (for 2024-25). Requests received during this period will receive a pro-rated refund for the balance of lessons not received based on the amount paid.

Full Year 2024-25 Refund Schedule – Group Classes

Group Classes: Start September 4, 2024

  • September 3, 2024: deadline to submit add/drop form to withdraw with full refund*
  • September 10, 2024: deadline to submit add/drop form to withdraw with 75% refund* 
  • September 17, 2024: deadline to submit add/drop form to withdraw with 50% refund*
  • September 18, 2024 & later: No refund for withdrawal*
  • Notes:
    •  If the class begins after September 4th, the full refund deadline is the day prior to the class start date.
    • Refund percentages noted above are for charges for class weeks 1-16
    • Charges for class weeks 17-32 will be fully refunded/adjusted off if dropped during these dates

Full year 2024-25 Group Class enrollments -Opt-out option

  • To opt out of the full year enrollment, complete the add/drop form during the period of January 13-17, 2025. Requests received during this period will receive a pro-rated refund for the remaining 16 weeks.

Adult Open Program Dance- (All sessions)

  • Drop-in class fees are Non-Refundable & Non-Transferable
  • Semester passes are Non-Refundable & Non-Transferable

Spring Term 2025 Refund Schedule – Group Classes

Group Classes: January 21, 2025-May 19, 2025

  • January 17, 2025: deadline to submit add/drop form to withdraw with full refund*
  • January 27, 2025: deadline to submit add/drop form to withdraw with 75% refund*
  • February 3, 2025: deadline to submit add/drop form to withdraw with 50% refund*
  • February 4, 2025 & later: No refund for withdrawal*
  • Note: if the class begins after January 21st the full refund deadline is the day prior to the class start date.

Summer Term 2025 Refund Schedule

Group Classes: Start June 20, 2025

  • June 13, 2025 deadline to submit add/drop form to withdraw with full refund*
  • June 19, 2025 deadline to submit add/drop form to withdraw with 50% refund*
  • June 20, 2025 & later: No refund for withdrawal*
  • Note: if the class begins prior to or after June 20th, the 50% refund deadline is the day prior to the class start date.

Summer Programs: Start June 16, 2025

  • Up to 7-days prior to start of the program, submit add/drop form to withdraw with full refund*
  • 3-6 days from start date of the program, submit add/drop form to withdraw with 50% refund*
  • Less than 3 days from start date of the program No refund for withdrawal*
  • Note: if the program begins after June 16th the full refund deadline is 7 days prior to the individual program start date.

Fall Term 2024 Refund Schedule – Group Classes

Group Classes: Start September 4, 2024 ; Fall Term 2025 Dates TBD

  • September 3, 2024: deadline to submit add/drop form to withdraw with full refund*
  • September 10, 2024: deadline to submit add/drop form to withdraw with 75% refund*
  • September 17, 2024: deadline to submit add/drop form to withdraw with 50% refund*
  • September 18, 2024 & later: No refund for withdrawal*
  • Note: if the class begins after September 4th the full refund deadline is the day prior to the class start date.

The Johns Hopkins University Policies

The Peabody Preparatory of The Johns Hopkins University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, nationality, sexual orientation, gender, ethnic origin, or religious belief in its admission, student aid, scholarship, or other educational policies. The University’s policy of providing equal opportunity for faculty, students, and staff insists that present and prospective members of the University community be judged solely on criteria relating to credentials and academic or job performance.

Please be advised that there are some disciplines wherein the teaching process requires an instructor to illustrate proper techniques or positioning by touching a student. Touching a student in any other context is not appropriate and may be in violation of University policy and law, including JHU’s Anti-Harassment Policy. Students who may have concerns about this issue should engage their instructor in a dialogue about this issue prior to the commencement of instruction. For more information about JHU Anti-Harassment policy, please contact the Office of Institutional Equity, 3400 N. Charles Street, Garland Hall-Suite 130, Baltimore, Maryland 21218, 410-516-8075, or visit OIE’s website.

The Peabody Preparatory of The Johns Hopkins University reserves the right from time to time to take photographs or video of faculty, staff, and students, engaged in teaching, rehearsals, and performances and other activities at the Preparatory for use in Peabody publications such as catalogs, concert calendars, posters, fliers, media advertising, social media, admissions recruitment, and development brochures, as well as on the Peabody website or for distribution to state or national media for promotional purposes. Classes and individual instruction will only be photographed with the permission of the faculty member; performances and rehearsals will only be photographed with the permission of the conductor or director in charge of the event. Such photographs will be retained in the Peabody files and archives and may be used by Peabody without limitations or restrictions as to time. Faculty, students, and staff who do not wish their photographs be used in this manner should contact the Preparatory Office. Peabody has no control over the use of photographs or film taken by the news media covering Peabody events.

Video taping of Preparatory performances is permitted for personal use only. Videotaping should be done from the balcony of the Friedberg Concert Hall and Goodwin Recital Hall and from the back of the hall in all other performance spaces.

All audiovisual equipment and instruments in the studios are limited to use by faculty and accompanists.

Notice is hereby given that The Peabody Preparatory of The Johns Hopkins University is prepared to comply with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights to Privacy Act of 1974 (P. L. 93-380) as ended (P. L. 93-568) and any regulations which may be promulgated there under. Students and others who wish specific information regarding their rights of access to institutional education records maintained in their names are advised to contact the Administrative Manager.

Sexual harassment is inimical to an appropriate working and learning environment and will not be tolerated. Sexual favors may not be required either explicitly or implicitly as a term or condition of an individual’s academic or work performance. Such behavior which creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive learning or working environment is prohibited. The University will promptly investigate complaints of sexual harassment and, when necessary, institute disciplinary proceedings against the offending individual. Complaints of sexual harassment may be brought to the heads of departments, the deans or directors of a division, or the University’s Affirmative Action Officer. Complainants are assured that problems of this nature will be treated in a confidential manner.

Criminal activity by a student or accompanying family member, while under Peabody jurisdiction, is grounds for immediate and unconditional expulsion and forfeiture of tuition and fees.

The Peabody Institute of The Johns Hopkins University of necessity reserves the freedom to change any programs, policies, requirements, or regulations published in the Preparatory Music Student Handbook, on the website, and in all catalogs.

All of Johns Hopkins University policies can be viewed at