We want to be sure that everyone is aware of our most important policies, for they help us to focus on the work at hand and achieve our goal of creating a rewarding artistic experience for our singers without distraction or misunderstanding. Therefore, all relevant clauses must be read and agreed to and acted upon in order to participate in chorus. Submission of the Family Information Form represents your agreement and acceptance of all clauses. Thank you for your assistance and support.

Cell Phone Use

Cell phone use of any kind (calling, texting, taking photographs or video) is prohibited during chorus rehearsal. Singers may use phones before and after rehearsal, and during designated breaks. Cell phones must be turned off during rehearsal. After one warning, cell phone use may result in expulsion.

Attendance & Concerts

A student who does not adhere to our attendance policies will be prohibited from performing in that semester’s concert due to lack of rehearsal preparation (sorry, no refunds on tickets).

  • Training Choir and Choristers are allowed two absences per semester (semesters run September–December, and January–May). After two absences in one semester, a student must make-up any missed classes by attending one of our other weekly rehearsals.
  • Cantate members are expected to make-up any missed rehearsals.
  • Cantus members are allowed one absence per semester.
  • All students must attend all assigned Concert Week events in order to perform.
  • Students may not leave rehearsal early without a written or verbal notification from the parent.
  • Guests must be age 5 or older to attend PCC concerts.
  • All photography during performances is prohibited.
  • Any kind of recording during performances is prohibited.
  • Concert tickets are limited, and cost $20 each (including parking)